What's in it for you?
Last Thursday Think Like A Coach: Empower your team through everyday conversations, was officially published!
I’m still beaming at the thought of being a published author!
How does thinking like a coach help new managers?
In the book I share a story about Sami, a new line manager I was coaching that had written off one of his team as unassertive.
Something she said in a one-to-one prompted him to ask coach-like questions.
“It’s like magic”, he kept saying to me.
He thought he was going to have to step in and fix a problem for her but in the end she solved it herself.
This wasn’t the result of a planned, prepared-for coaching session. It was Sami listening to his instincts in the moment and giving coaching a go. It didn’t need to be ‘perfect’. It was coach-like and enough to change the outcome.
What would I get from reading it?
If you’re going to make an effort to do something different, to try thinking like a coach, then it has to be worth it. And here are eight reasons managers tell me it is:
- It reduces your workload by empowering your team to be self-sufficient so that they don’t need to keep coming to you with every problem or decision.
- You identify problems early because you’re deliberately leaving space for your team members to tell you what’s really going on.
- Your team gives you insight into how to manage them more effectively.
- It takes the pressure off you having to be the one with all the answers.
- It’s developmental, because coach-like conversations stretch people out of their comfort zones in a safe way, encouraging them to think and problem-solve for themselves by helping them learn from their own experiences.
- It creates instant commitment and responsibility because the idea comes from them.
- Recruitment and retention are easier because everyone wants to work with the manager who believes in their teams and helps them progress.
- You get time for your career development because you have a high-performing team.
Ultimately, the reason managers adopt a coach-like approach is because it feels amazing. When you help someone come up with their own solutions it’s empowering and energising for both of you.
Where can I buy a copy?
Think Like A Coach is available in the UK from Amazon and The Right Book Press. Worldwide it is available through Amazon. Links here.