• Bounce Back & Thrive 1-2-1 Coaching Programme: Address what’s holding you back and increase the impact you need to get promoted!

When ‘Keep Doing What You’re Doing’ Isn’t Enough

Have you ever been told that there is no feedback to give you? 

That you’re exceeding expectations and all you need is more experience? 

It can be infuriating, because no one is perfect and there must be something you can work on. 

And guess what, there is and I’m going to let you in on it. 

1. Ask yourself, why is there no feedback? 

By which I mean, is the reason you?  

Have people stopped giving you feedback because they’re scared of your reaction or know that you’ll dismiss it without consideration? 

Don’t be that person. 

Remember, feedback is only information. You get to choose what you ultimately do with it but you need to hear it and evaluate it fairly before deciding.

2. Ask for career advice 

Go find people who are in positions you aspire to be in and ask them questions like:   

💫 What do you wish you’d known before you got promoted?

💫 What’s the most unexpected part of your job?

💫 If you could go back and do the first 3-6 months again what would you do differently?

💫 What are the best things you’ve done for your career?

💫 What career regrets do you have? 

Most people love talking about themselves and will be happy to spend half an hour with you sharing their career journey and giving you advice. 

a woman sitting at her laptop biting on a pencil in frustration. Photo credit : Jetshoots.com on Unsplash

3. Reflect and act 

Take 6 minutes and reflect on the advice that you’re getting. 

❓ What one thing would be the easiest to start or stop doing that will positively advance your career? 

❓ What one thing would be a stretch that would give you the precious experience everyone says you need? 

❓ Who do you need to ask for support? 

4. Keep doing what you’re doing

If point one isn’t true then pat yourself on the back. 

You are doing everything expected of you and more.  

Instead take this time to enjoy work and look for opportunities that are meaningful and fulfilling.  

Build and nurture your network and most of all don’t just sit there waiting for career development feedback to come to you, go out there and ask for it. 

Want practical coach ideas that you can use everyday?

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