• Bounce Back & Thrive 1-2-1 Coaching Programme: Address what’s holding you back and increase the impact you need to get promoted!

If you don’t ask, you don’t get

When it comes to asking for want we want, we are often paralysed with fear.

We have a conversation with the person in our head and decide that it’s going to be a no.

And so we don’t ask.

Like, I love the idea of action learning sets and while I know how they work in theory I’d like to talk to someone who runs them in practice. And I know someone who does but just the thought of ringing them had my heart in my throat.

I had to keep telling myself that this person is a genuine friend but the vampire voice in my head had me convinced it was going to be an awkward conversation, with them basically telling me they couldn’t help because I would end up in competition with them.

See, I had the conversation in my head with them and decided it was a no go.

Except, how can I really know that for sure? I haven’t actually spoken with them, I’ve only made up a story in my head of how I think things will go.

It’s true they may decline to help as it would put me in competition with them, and it’s also true that I’ll never know unless I ask.

If you ask it could go a multitude of ways.
If you don’t ask, it can only go one, you won’t get.

So I called him yesterday, it went to voice mail. So I sent a message and a while later he texted me back. He was at the pub with a mate. I texted him back what I wanted to ask and I’m waiting to her back.

I still don’t know which way this will go and I do know that it could only go one way if I didn’t ask.

What do you want?
Who do you need to ask?

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