In what ways do you think, we could make the virtual world more human?
Think about what information you could send to people before the meeting to make them feel at ease
Do what you need to before the meeting to feel at ease and free of distraction
Give each person a chance to speak without interruption
Create a virtual table so people will know when it’s their turn to speak when you’re doing a round
Warmly greet people as they enter and ask them how they are
Use people’s names
Ask people what they need the group to know so they can feel at ease and free of distraction
The Ten Components of The Thinking Environment
Listening with palpable respect and genuine interest, and without interruption
Treating each other as thinking peers; giving equal turns and attention; keeping boundaries and agreements
Offering freedom from internal rush or urgency
Giving courage to go to the cutting edge of ideas by moving beyond internal competition
Incisive Questions™
Removing untrue assumptions that limit our ability to think for ourselves well
Allowing sufficient emotional release to restore thinking
Offering genuine acknowledgement of a person’s qualities; practicing a ratio of 5:1 appreciation to challenge
Supplying the facts; recognising social context; dismantling denial
Welcoming diverse group identities and diversity of thinking
Creating a physical environment that says back to people, ‘You matter’